So I've been thinking a lot about the discussions we've been having about the rhetoric used in the campaign ads. I am not really into political debates or political issues. I guess I should be because these issues could potentially and probably are affecting my everyday life right now. For that reason I'm glad we have been talking about the current candidates and what methods they are using to get people on board to vote for them. From the way we analyzed the ads it made every candidate seem silly and kind of desperate to get attention even if they have to make ridiculous exaggerations or attack other candidates in the running. It makes it really hard for me to trust anyone let alone take the time to actually listen to what they have to say. Eventually I'm going to have to sort through the sea of lies and pick out what I would like to think of as the truth. Whoever has the most of that, gets my vote I guess. At least that's the way I'll do it until they candidates start being blatantly honest (highly unlikely) or someone gives me a better way to do it....I still have like one hundred words to go....
So I guess I can talk about the Occupy UC Davis event. I was going going to save the for my next post but I guess I can use some of it for this one. So yeah...that was pretty lame spraying all those kids in the face like that. The cops using the notion that they were just following orders is a pretty weak excuse for way essthe were so..oh what's the word?...brutal, with the pepper spray. I wonder what I would do as an officer given the order to remove protesting students from a side walk?
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