OK.. so this blog has nothing to do with service learning, but I had to bring this up. So on Monday we watched a clip showing the transformation of a model from "normal" to "picture perfect" and then a few people made some comments about Beyonce's skin color changes for different magazine covers. I had to say something because this is ridiculous. But let me first say, I could care less what Beyonce does, not hating, I'm just not a big fan. On the other hand, when something like this happens it grabs my attention.
If I were a model making thousands of dollars for each photo shoot I wouldn't care what they did to my skin just as long as I could take it off. Let's face it, I'm sure Beyonce and tons of other models make a shit load of money for those photo shoots and the fact that their natural features are altered and society's perception of beauty is scewed is the last thing on their mind. I have made a personal choice not to wear make-up or straighten my naturally curly hair because I want people to see who I really am. I know, it's not what's on the outside that matters, instead it's your genuine personality that counts, but I feel more comfortable knowing that when a person sees me, they see what I really look like. I don't like the idea of my natural hair being straightened by chemicals or my face being covered by make-up.
Some people think that models used in make-up and fashion ads don't portray what the average person looks like and so average women are buying all these products thinking that they will eventually look like these models. It's very sad, but if I can look at these ads and still love myself and my God given beauty I think anyone can. So altering faces or making skin lighter or darker for the sake of a magazine doesn't change my perception of beauty. However, I cannot speak for all women in the world. I think that the more people find how the media changes a woman's natural appearance, the more people realize that that isn't true beauty and that you have to define what beauty is within yourself and not in a magazine. LOVE YOURSELF! and don't hide you beautiful face with make-up!
However, if I was a model, they could do whatever they wanted to me just as long as I could take it off at the end of the day, and I got PAID!
I agree with you on a lot of what you said. It’s true, the media’s opinion of beauty has screwed up a lot of our perspectives of our own beauty. It’s just that we have to each decide for ourselves what is true or not. I admire your stance on no make-up…I was like that too for the longest time, and even now I only sometimes wear a little only if I feel like it. It’s hard to sometimes see your face as beautiful, but then you must realize that what truly matters is what’s inside you that makes you beautiful. I’m glad that you brought this up because it reminds me to not always think of beauty as the media defines it, because it’s really not. But of course, every girl and woman will have to decide that for themselves and believe what they each want to believe. Haha, your last sentence cracked me up…nice, Jenaya.