Monday, October 31, 2011

Blog #2

I really have to work on remembering to do these things. So for this one I guess I'll just talk about my editorial. I wrote about an article that was published in "El Gallito Luis" (direct translation, The Little Chicken Luis). It's a local community paper published here in Lafayette for, but not closed off to, the Latino community. Paper consists of ads for the local Latino grocery stores, local concerts, community events, L.A.R.A (Lafayette Adult Resource center), and Ivy Tech programs.
The article I chose to write about was written by one of the English teachers at L.A.R.A, Denise. In her article she talks about all the resources L.A.R.A has to offer, especially the English class she teaches for people wanting to start learning English. I tried my best to write something that looked like an editorial that supported the resource center and incorporated my own ideas about more Purdue students for other majors using their skills to volunteer there. So hopefully it turned out ok. I really wish they had a word counter on here so I'd know right when I hit 300 and then I wouldn't have to keep writing mindless nonsense.
Anyway, so I really do think that more students from different majors should come to help volunteer at L.A.R.A. I mentioned in my paper that they don't just help with people who want to learn English. They also have classes for people who want to pass the test to get there G.R.E. L.A.R.A needs math majors to come help people who want better themselves in that way. Aside from English classes they also have classes for people trying to improve their reading and writing comprehension skills and so they need English or literature majors to help people become better writers for themselves and to get to a higher level on their job.
So I think that's about 300, if not it should be right now, I just gonna add a few more words here to ensure I hit 300. I think that's it yep. I think I got it now. :)


  1. This wasn't really blog#2 it's more like blog 3 or 4....yea..

  2. I’ve never heard of that paper before but it sounds like a really good resource for those here in Lafayette. I’ve heard of the L.A.R.A. center before and it really is a very fantastic and underutilized resource for adults here in the community. My best friends brother, and my father, both used L.A.R.A. to earn their GED and both of them have nothing but fantastic things to say about it. I think that having an English program there is a great idea, too. I work in a restaurant, which has a largely Hispanic kitchen staff, and I always get angry when I hear servers or guests make derogatory remarks because some of them only have a very basic grasp of English. Resources such as these, especially if they are no or low-cost, could help them.

    As for your word counter, do what I do. I type my blog posts and responses into Word and then copy/paste it into the comment box. 161 ☺

  3. I agree remembering to do blogs is hard. Life can get really busy and soon you find yourself forgetting to write something about the work you’ve been doing, and when you don’t have anything riveting to say it kind of seems pointless to blabber on for three hundred or so words about nothing. I’m not trying to write off the blog idea, but it seems like people are merely writing just to meet the word count and to get the next 1% of their grade. When I don’t have anything important to talk about I really don’t know what to blog about. It can be frustrating at times when you know you need to reach that word cap but in actuality don’t have anything deep or reflective to write about. I just hope that the assignment gets easier as the semester winds down and I have more interesting things to write about.
