Saturday, December 10, 2011

I hate Videogames...

I think the end of the course is a great time to say it finally...I really don't like video-games. They are the laziest way to spend your time. I believe video-games are the number two contributor to childhood obesity in the U.S. Number one would have to be those Little Debbie fat cakes...I really don't buy the idea that playing  video-games can solve real problems in this country or world. Show me some good solid evidence of what video-games have done to fix the economy, save starving babies, or fix our immigration and foreign relation issues.
Having said all of that I’m going to contradict myself just a little bit. Now, the new Xbox Kinect, that is my shit! I love that thing! If any video-game console can make me break a sweat and get my whole family dancing, including my 73 year-old GRANDMOTHER! It has to be good! I mean talk about dance party at my house, I never my grandmother could get down like that. That’s about it though… maybe I’m just being closed-minded, but it takes a lot for me to just believe something like a video-game could make a huge difference in the word.
Well, maybe I just haven’t been updated on all the things video-games have done for society yet. Perhaps there are some benefits to spending the whole day in a virtual killing off all your friends. Maybe World of War Craft has secret message to teach people about who to communicate in the real world and be successful. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learned from Halo. Maybe I just have to be a more abstract thinker in order to understand the potential that video-games may have. It’s hard to do that when all I see little kids playing these days are shoot and kill or racing games. I think the only thing they would get from that is excitement in being violent, and personally I would not allow my kids to play those violent games. I would be too afraid that my kids might start going crazy and try to do some crazy stuff like that to each other.

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